Tomas Kauer

Tomas Kauer

Last seen: 1 year ago

Member since Jan 3, 2023

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Police brutality fuels trauma after Tyre Nichols' murder—how Black communities are coping

Police brutality fuels trauma after Tyre Nichols' murder—how...

Viewing videos of and having conversations about police violence has several adverse...

Wall Street bankers had to be talked out of liquidating Bed Bath & Beyond and throwing 30,000 people out of work, sources say

Wall Street bankers had to be talked out of liquidating...

Sources say everything changed after a late-night conference call as a bankruptcy...

Google shares tank after ChatGPT rival Bard's mistake

Google shares tank after ChatGPT rival Bard's mistake

It looks like Google's new chatbot to challenge ChatGPT and OpenAI still needs a...

What Biden’s billionaire tax means for everyday Americans

What Biden’s billionaire tax means for everyday Americans

President Biden is urging lawmakers to pass a tax proposal that would raise taxes...

The AP asked Bing about sports news on LeBron's big day and it talked about the Super Bowl—in the past tense

The AP asked Bing about sports news on LeBron's big day...

“It was a thrilling game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs,"...

Hermès wins lawsuit against creator of NFT MetaBirkins, jury claims NFTs are not protected as art under the First Amendment

Hermès wins lawsuit against creator of NFT MetaBirkins,...

The verdict could have broad ramifications for NFTs and the metaverse.

Financing is so tight for the Adani Group after its shares got savaged by Hindenburg that it plans a $500 million loan prepayment

Financing is so tight for the Adani Group after its shares...

An Adani spokesperson said the group was in talks with banks to refinance part of...

Twitter suspended a Montana senator for posting a picture of a dead antelope. Then Elon got involved.

Twitter suspended a Montana senator for posting a picture...

When Musk took over Twitter, he vowed to bring back suspended accounts. On Tuesday,...

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